
We provide the following support services:-


System Design, Specification and Budgets

With over 35 years experience in Fixed Fire Protection systems, we have an in-depth knowledge to assist in the preparation of system specifications and proposals.  We can assist Consulting Engineers and Specifiers in preparing detailed designs and can provide template specifications on request.  Our design office can provide a full CAD service including detailed hydraulic calculations for all foam systems including Foam Enhanced Sprinkler Systems.


Site Assistance

We work with installing contractors, providing assistance and supervision as needed for all products including System Commissioning, Bladder Tank Replacement, System filling etc.


Testing and Commissioning

We provide a full service to installing contractors and can carry out on site foam proportioner testing and verification that the required foam concentration is achieved.  We can provide foam fill pumping equipment if required and attend at site during the filling process.

Please use the links and topics below to view / download support information including checklists, specifications etc